About Events
Our club hosts events throughout the year, from Come Try Rowing days, to Quarts Races, to the Head and Tail of the Gorge regattas.
Our Events and Regattas calendar has more complete information on upcoming opportunities.
Our club hosts events throughout the year, from Come Try Rowing days, to Quarts Races, to the Head and Tail of the Gorge regattas.
Our Events and Regattas calendar has more complete information on upcoming opportunities.
The Head & Tail of the Gorge regattas are an iconic BC event, featuring exciting racing and spectacular viewing opportunities, in the heart of beautiful Victoria BC. Teams attend from across BC, Alberta, and the Pacific Northwest, with some coming from as far away as the Maritimes or Europe.
The goal of the Quarts Races is to create community within the club through competition and camaraderie. They're at their best when every one, from every program, of every age, comes!
Rowing Canada Aviron sponsors free National Come Try Rowing Days at clubs across the country to help promote rowing within communities.
We love these events!
From time to time, we offer offer special evening row events, such as the holiday Mistle-Row. Join our announcements list if you're interested.
Also, if the idea of rowing in the evening appeals to you, it's one of the times that our Masters row!