HOG-TOG Course Info

Here is the course map for the Head and Tail of the Gorge along with videos showing the route with (most of) the buoys.

Course Update

During the HOG race, as your shell comes around Curtis point, you will see the bridge across the inlet. For a safer line, you need to move early to starboard - toward the red buoys on the starboard shore. As you reach and line up with the red buoys, you will have a clearer view under the bridge and of the current flowing under the bridge. Getting an early straight line all the way under the bridge and aligned with the current is the safest way through the narrows.

For greater certainty - do NOT aim directly at the Tillicum Street bridge from Curtis Point.

The updated course route to the narrows.
Course in Google Maps.

Here's an overview showing the desired approach (obviously, your boat will be travelling in curves).

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